The News listings below are in chronological order with the most recent at the top of the list

Chris Reed Founders Dinner 2021
Chris Reed Foundation Founders Dinner 2021

Carl attends the Galveston County Mayoral Conference
Kemah Mayor Carl Joiner recently attended Galveston County Mayoral Forum

City Sign is Cleaned and representing Kemah’s past
Sign is Cleaned and Ready to Represent Kemah!

Kemah Mayor Carl Joiner releases a video update
Kemah Mayor, Carl Joiner, shares his thoughts as he gets busy as Kemah's Mayor to reach his objectives!

Photos from the first few days as Mayor of Kemah – 2021
Click on any single image to activate gallery!

Carl Joiner is Re-Elected for Mayor of Kemah on May 1, 2021
Dateline - May 1st, 2021 - Kemah residents re-elected Carl Joiner for Mayor for a two (2) year term. Carl has served in the past as Mayor and City Councilman. He brings experience, professionalism...